Sunday, 27 February 2011

Half Term is over!

It's been a very productive week, as I have spent time tidying the house and making things, setting up a website and generally clearing things out, but I can't say I have enjoyed not being able to work.  I don't think I had realised quite how much I enjoy my job until I couldn't do it.  Thankfully I was able to commit to two bookings towards the latter end of the week, with the last being last night and boy was it good! 

The chap who came over I had met once before and I'd be surprised if he wasn't very pleased with his time, as we over run a tad.  I was so excited to be seeing someone I really went for it and put on my favourite colour, 'red' with a red full satin corset with black sides and a red and black satin bra and thong set.  This was completed with some black suspenders and stockings and my lovely high heeled black patent shoes. So as not to spoil the surprise and perhaps give the neighbours a little more than they might wish to see, I put my red satin gown on over the corset.

I really need to get some more porn now I have a working DVD player in my bedroom.  Currently I only have 2 gangbang dvds that I was given by a gentleman I met a few years back.  They have given me lots of pleasure, but I realise it's not everyones cup of tea.  If anyone out there would like to donate any, I'd be more than happy lol.  Maybe if an existing client of mine is reading this? Or you could always bring a film of your coice with you and take it back home afterwards.  Anyway I put the film on, but also put some music on to have playing in the background and decided I would tell him about the porn if the mood felt right.

As it was I didn't mention the porn, as once we got kissing I realised that I didn't want to share him with the television and needed his complete attention.  I know I'm greedy, but what can I say?  He's a rather tall chap at 6' 5" and I found myself almost on tippy toe reaching up to him and that was with my 4" heels on.  We leant against my wardrobe to keep us steady as the kissing became more passionate.

By the time I looked at the clock in my bedroom we had already gone 10 minutes over.  I'm no clock watcher, but it is very rare that I totally lose sense of time like that.  I am not sure if it is fair to say that I am addicted to sex, but when I don't get it regularly I do miss it terribly and I'm afraid there are occasions when I could be accused of using my clients for my own needs.  I try very hard not to be too quick and I am mindful that the pace does have to be set, but when I meet a man who has the stamina to take me on 2 or 3 times I will take full advantage of it and yesterday was no exception.  By the end of it we both lay flat on the bed panting and out of breath and it would have been quite appropriate at that moment to light up a cigarette, despite the fact that neither of us smoke, but it was definitely a condor moment lol.

So... today feeling a little achey, after being a little over enthusiastic, I am really looking forward to Monday and the rest of the week, where business will be resuming to normal.  Hopefully with it also being a new month, with March looming ever forward there will be plenty of work on offer too and at the end of the month I start a rather intensive tour again, with Liverpool, Newcastle and N.Ireland featuring, amongst other places.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Half Term

Well it's Friday today and half term is looming forward.  I've not had any bookings for the last 2 Fridays, which is very odd, as it was always my guaranteed day to get work in the past, so with that and me being out of action this weekend (I'm going into hospital on Sunday as an out patient) I just don't know when I'm next going to get have any fun.

Omg!  I just had phone sex (first time on AW in ages) and it's made me feel hornier than ever!  I think I'm going to crack up over the next week also being half term.  No incalls :(  I doubt there will be much in the way of outcalls either for the same reason.  Perhaps I should make my excuses and drive down to Oxford for a couple of days?

Good news!  The diet is doing well.  I have lost half a stone so far and bit by bit it is fading away.  I'm not going for quick results, as I would rather keep it off if I can.  To be honest since I have been working from home mostly lately it has been a lot easier, as I can cook from scratch.  It's so hard to eat well when you are living out of a hotel.  I'm going to have to be very careful in April, as I'm away a lot then, so it's even more important that I stick to it when I am home.

My new business is starting to take shape now.  The skills that I learnt while in London are starting to fall into place and I have produced half a dozen things that are of good marketable value.  I'm really pleased with the results and am now feeling supressed by the lack of tools I have more than anything.  Still as time goes I'm sure I will start to pick up bits and pieces and be able to be more versatile.  Some of the books I have picked up from the library have been really useful too, with regards to re-capping on techniques.

I've got lots to look forward to at the end of March and through to April, lots of travelling and blogging I should imagine.  I'm going to be visiting Liverpool for the Aintree races, Newcastle and N.Ireland with Theresa, Tewkesbury, Birmingham and even Bromsgrove lol.  I must remember not to leave anything behind this time.  Last time I was in Oxford I accidently left my cosy towelling dressing gown behind and I really miss it :(  I may also be going to Norwich in May for a couple of days, but I'm not sure how much work is over there, as AW seems to be well looked after in that area.

If anyone who reads this is happy to have outcalls or would like to meet up in a hotel over next week, then that would be fab, otherwise I'm just going to have to burn out yet another vibrator lol.

This week I bought a new toy as my old and trusted eroscillator died on me.  I was so upset, I actually cried.  How sad is that?  I've had it over 9 years and it has given me countless wonderful orgasms. I really wanted to replace it with the same again, but sadly the price has really escalated since I bought it and is now well over £100.  I ended up buying a magic wand instead.  I've always wanted one (in addition not instead) so was quite pleased to get one and it is good, but not a patch on my eroscillator.

Having said that, they are both far more fun when played with an accompanying gentleman, especially when being penetrated.  Hmmm... I think I had better go take a cold shower or maybe go play with the magic wand lol.  Life is too short to feel horny without a cock!

Kate x

News update*  I've lost half a stone now, so diet is doing well.  Looking at losing another 2lb this week.  Not going to over do it with it being half term and all.  Having a nice lie in this morning (Monday).

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Spring is in the air!

I must admit I will be quite glad to shake the winter off and am looking forward to greeting the Spring.  I love the Spring season, as for me it represents new beginnings, healing and replenishing.  It is also a most beautiful time of year with the crocus, daffodils, dew drops sprouting out of the ground and lambs appearing in the fields and of course the fact that the days start to get a little longer again.  I have already noticed that it is starting to draw dark after 5pm again, which is welcome.

I'm not sure what the general consensus is for Valentines day.  I've been single for so long now, it isn't really something that has an impact on my life and even when I was dating, I always seemed to be with the more cynical type who did not enjoy celebrating the occasion.  I suppose it reminds me of when I was a teenager more than anything.  That was the time that it did have some impact, as you would feel embarrased if you got a card and embarrased if you didn't.  I do recall my Mum buying a card for my brother each year, which was a bit dodgy really and not a tradition I have handed down to my son.

The recession seems to be getting the better of most people these days, although I'm informed it is more of a regional problem than a British one, with some areas remaining totally unchanged.  I suppose areas that encourage a lot of change, ie people passing through will have less of an impact, as there is always going to be fresh blood and new money coming through, whereas a small place like Worcester where I live, does not have the same trickle of change.  What we do have is people holding on to what they have and trying to make ends meet.  I'm increasingly being asked to do half hour bookings, which I really would not mind doing, but for the fact that I work in a residential area and have family close by.  I just can't afford to take the risk of seeing more people for less time and being caught out.  Solutions on a postcard please!

Having said that in January I had my record for 1 and a half hour bookings plus and did very well with it, so maybe it is a February thing?

No tours this month!  Although I am considering popping down to Oxford or Cheltenham during half term or I'll be gagging for sex lol.  I can't go a full week without it and even though I got my new magic wand today, I just can't see it satisfying me the way I need and want to be satisfied.  The only problem is that the hotel prices tend to go up during school hols as well, which can be problematic, especially when you don't have any pre-bookings.  I suppose I should make my mind up soon so that I can try and get some in advance?

Magic wand!  I bought this off an acquaintance that I met a few years ago now.  Admittedly I have not seen them for over a year, but I had hoped to get a good deal from them.  When I rang and asked I was pleased to hear that they had just one left and yes I could have it.  I was also told that it had lots of attachments and I was really pleased thinking that I had a fairly good deal having agreed to pay £57 (including postage).  However, when I picked it up from the post office this morning and opened it up, I found that there was not even one attachment!  Gutted!  I can't hide my disappointment, as I was really looking forward to playing with all my different gadgets.  The good news is that I did give it a try out and yes it did make me cum very quickly, especially when I introduced one of my vibrators with it.  It is a little noisy, but I'm more than happy to have it available for bookings lol.

Good news!!! The bath is back in action.  Over the winter months it has been rather lacking in hot water and I wasn't quite sure why it was not going past luke warm, as the shower was still fine and the heating was working fine.  Apparently the pressure was just a little too low and all it needed was a little turn of a tap to bring it back up and hey presto!  We have hot water again.  I had my first sexy bath time last week and it was lovely to get back in the warm water and play.

That's it really, apart from the fact that the training I received in London is coming in handy and I am practising as much as I can, so I don't forget the skills that I learnt.  I am hoping to make a business out of it, but I think we are talking a year or two ahead, when I am more able and can guarantee a great quality.  In the mean time I plod on when I can and manage to work it from home, so can do it between bookings.  I'd love to talk to you about it here, but just a little too obvious to who I am if I do and I have to protect those that are close to me.  Those that have met me know what I'm doing though and may be forced to see what I've been making if you come over for an incall lol.

I nearly forgot to mention that I am in the process of losing weight again at the moment.  I started a couple of weeks ago and only lost 1lb in the first week :( but this week seems to be doing much better.  I've definately lost 2lb and as weigh in is not until Monday I am hoping to have managed another pound before then.  I'm not looking at losing loads of weight, but just shake of the 16 if I can and become a healthy, curvy 14.  Wish me luck.

Kate x

Saturday, 5 February 2011

General chit chat

I can't believe January has been and gone already and February is going just as fast.  January was an extremely busy month for me, with lots of travelling, including Scotland, East Midlands, Oxford, Cheltenham and London, so I'm kind of glad that we have got to February where I have much less travelling planned to do, although April seems to be panning out in a similar way.

The highlighs of January?  I think going up to Edinburgh was something special.  It's got so much history and it was lovely being shown round on my day off and looking round the Art Gallery.  It was nice being taken to a very popular fish restaurant as well.

I've met some lovely people so far this year and I'm not sure if it is due to the New Year or the full moon or anything but emotions do seem to have been running very high.  Not just me, but clients too.  It's funny how in this business some people are able to enjoy your company and walk away without a problem and others quickly form attachments.  I'd be lying if I didn't say that I get attached too.  I know that I geniunely look forward to seeing some of my regulars again and feel a little dispondent when I don't see them for a while. 

I have one regular in Oxford who I have always seen from the first time I went there and didn't see him last time.  I don't know why, just that he didn't book me and it felt very strange.  I can't say I didn't do well, as I had 2 1 1/2 hour bookings in the morning alone, but... well it just felt a little wrong without him.  I hope he is ok.  Then there is my client from London.  I have only met him twice, but we clicked straight away.  He is a lovely soft and gentle man, although he certainly knows how to press my buttons. I enjoy his company, but he seems to have developed feelings for me and I believe is staying away for his own good, which of course is understandable, but I do miss him.  Then more recently there is someone who I have developed a crush on and although it seems that the feeling is mutual, we have agreed to not take it any further.  I hope that this does not prevent him being a client, as I really enjoy his company and his cock if I am honest.  It's nice to have occasions to look forward to.

What else has been happening?  Well while I was in London I was on a course learning a new skill.  I can't really  mention what it was on here due to discretion, but it is an art form that I hope will give me much pleasure in the future and hopefully a second income as well.  Last week I spent every spare moment clearing out one of my rooms that had been piled high with junk in preperation for making it into a studio.  I think I still have a few days work left to do on it before it is ready and in the mean time the rest of the house is now full of all my 'things'.  I'm going to be adding some of it to ebay this week and I've already sent 12 bin liners of rubbish to the tip along with loads of old cardboard boxes and an old suitcase.  I really don't understand why I keep hold of so much junk for so long, I mean do I really think I'm going to use it?

To try and keep some kind of order I have invested in some storage and am really pleased with the way it is looking.  I have 3 tall metal frames that hold baskets of different sizes and types, which are ideal for keeping all my bits and pieces in and one wooden square box storage system with canvass boxes in each square.  This way I can go straight to what I am looking for, instead of the usual hour long waste of time looking for what I need to make some thing.  I love being organised, although it doesn't seem to be something I am usually very good at.  I've also managed to uncover my desk, which I can use to make things on and another smaller desk, which will be ideal to use my sewing machine on.  All in all, I should have the house straight again by the end of this week and be able to start practising what I learnt in London.  I do hope so anyway, as I'm sure I am forgetting things as every day passes.

The good news is that where I thought I needed to go on a City and Guilds to advance my skills, I now know that I don't need to at all.  Apparently the City and Guilds is only testimant to the fact that you attended the classes and have enough skill to complete certain procedures, but beyond that it does not mean that you are good at your craft.  I was advised that I would be far better off practising what I have learnt so far and really perfecting the techniques and then go for one or two day workshops as and when I feel ready for the next step in my learning and again practising and perfecting as I go along.  Once I have achieved a level of expertise I can then show my product to the relevant people and start to get my name out there as an excellent and skilled person.

Needless to say I am very excited and can't wait to make my first thing at home.  I still need to get a few materials, although I did manage to get some while I was in London, but mostly things that I could not order online, which I will do this week.  Wish me luck!

Bearing this in mind, this is pretty much why I have not made any plans to tour this month.  I really want to be close to home so I can work on my studio and once that is completed, work on my product and I can't do that from a hotel room.  I am Escorting from home still though and happy to do outcalls in the immediate area.  I can't say I have not been busy, in fact if anything I seem to get more work while at home and have to turn people down, as I really don't like seeing more than 2 people in a day from my home.  I'm afraid Wednesdays are the worsed day of the week, as I'm only free until 1pm and I seem to spend so much time having to turn people away.  I wonder why Wednesday is such a popular day?  I have 2 bookings secured for Monday already, which is nice and something to look forward to and had 2 bookings yesterday.  As I can only do outcalls on the weekend they are generally quiet, which suits me, as I can get my cosy clothes on and continue with sorting the house out.

I'm really looking forward to this month and despite the emotional turmoil, things seem to be sorting themselves out.  I feel quite content at the moment and have an inner warmth in my tummy that tells me I'm on the right track.  In a way I suppose obstacles are put in our way in order to make us appreciate what we have got and if that isn't enough, then it is up to us to change it.  I love the sense of fulfillment when I reach another goal, or even if I am honest get a good review.  My personality means that I will always put 100% into everything I do and I do care, I can't help it.  So in a way the high emotions show me that I'm doing my job well, I just need to work out how to bring things back down gently, so that no one gets hurt.  I don't want to upset anyone, just make their lives a little happier and more fulfilled in the way I am striving to with my own life.

So if you are Worcester based or able to travel over here and have been trying to book me, but I never seem to be around, this month is your chance to give me a call. Let's have some fun and frolics, nothing too deep and meaningful, just kisses, cuddles and well that would be between you and me!