Saturday, 30 June 2012

Waisting away!

This is just a very quick update to let you know that the Marks & Spencers diet is still working and slowly but surely I am continuing to lose the weight.

Having retained just 2lbs of the weight loss from the last diet, I started at the 2 lbs point and now (or at least from yesterday) have lost a total of 18 lbs!!!!  Fingers crossed this may have increased to 19 lbs when I weigh myself today, but as I have not done that yet, I will not presume, although I do know I had another good day.

I have changed things slightly.  After 2 weeks of 'stabalising' but not losing I decided to re-evaluate what I was doing.  Apart from the fact that I wasn't losing weight the M&S foods range are not the cheapest, so it is a fairly expensive diet to be on if it isn't going to work.  I have also to take into consideration a couple of nights out including a 3 course meal (which I enjoyed every mouthful of) and a cosy night in with the girls, nibbles and copious amounts of red wine.  With this in mind, I did very well not to put weight on, let alone retain it.

So, what am I doing?  I went into excel and started keeping a daily chart of what I am consuming.  As I generally drink decaf green tea or soda water and lime, which is negligable in calories, I don't as a rule add up the drinks, unless it is alcohol, but I do add up the meals and snacks that I each during the day and can see exactly how much I am eating.  Now, I tend to lose weight quicker if I keep it under the 1200 mark and on the first day it was just over this.  The second day I ate some sushi and dinner time, which was yummy and just 230 calories and it saw me through until about 9pm when I had my supper and this saw me through the hardest time of the night for me.  The time when I start to get cravings for cheese and biscuits or other tantalising snacks.

A couple of days ago I went to the cinema in the evening and came home wanting toast, but instead a grabbed an oat bar worth 123 calories and had a sugar kick instead, but also managed to keep those calories down.  It's kind of keeping me on the straight and narrow by knowing when I write it down I will have deserved to have lost weight or not and it is my own fault if I don't.

My next goal is to lose another half a stone and once I have done that I may look to lose one more full stone and leave it there.  On the clinical weight chart I am borderline 'overweight' 'obese', which sounds awful but when I started I was a good 3/4's across the obese section, which was a big worry.  Having said that, the chart says that I should be around 11 stone and I know that being that weight would made me look quite ill and lack lustre.  I enjoy my curves and have no intention of losing them, so my lowest limit will be 12 1/2 stone.

That might make you wonder just how big I am and I may be commiting Escort suicide by telling you, but from yesterday I weighed in at 14 stone.  For those that met me in the Autumn of last year, I was then carrying 15 stone and 4 lbs of weight and yes, I was describing myself as a BBW and yes I was a size 14/16, as I am quite tall and carry the weight well.  I stand at 5 ft 7.5" in my stockinged feet.  So the aim is to reduce to a size 12/14 at the moment and the way things are going it is very possible.

Notable changes so far?  Well... my legs are looking more shapely.

And my waist is getting smaller and more curvy.  I've got from 38" waist to 35" so far.  Here I'm wearing a 32" corset and it is nearly closed at the back in the middle, which I could have never done before.

And finally here is me in my red pvc dress that really does show off all my curves.

Wish me luck!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Confident women have pubes?

Well... after over a decade of shaving, applying creams and waxing, I have finally gone back to the way nature intended (well almost).  I have cultivated and cajouled a little mound of pubic hair, that I am not only appeciating, but actually enjoying having.  It seems quite odd to say enjoying, but the odd time that my hand brushes over it, I get a sensation that I had long forgotten about and can't help but push my fingers into it and stroke and twiddle the little fair hairs. 

Another oddity is the colour.  Nothing like the natural colour on my head, which is now a fairly dark brunette and how I would have been over joyed if it had been ginger or red, but no it is a fair bondish brown and the colour I recal my hair to be when a young girl, before I started dying it.

Ah now looking at this picture taken just 5 minutes ago (30th June 2012) it looks rather darker than how I see it in the flesh, but still lighter than the hair on my head.  Perhaps the colour will get darker, as the mound gets thicker and stronger.


As you can see there is no real shape to it.  I have tried to go for a strip, but the hair tapers off as it goes further up.  Perhaps I should try to cultivate it into a little triangle?  Does it need trimming, or does it look just about right?

I hope you can see that there is no hair at the business end lol.  I have deliberately kept it clear where it counts, as I would hate to put anyone of licking and sucking at my cliterous, which so enjoys the attention that it gets.

Any suggestion with regard to improving the look of my newly acquired mound of womanly hair, will be well received, although don't forget I am a women and reserve the right to go ahead and do my own thing lol.

Pubes equal confidence?

Well yes I think they do.  In a world where porn is the norm and often accepted as mainstream behaviour sexually, to be a sexual being and go against the norm, actually takes some balls (not literally you understand).  I have been shaving now for over a decade and haven't let a single hair grow where it used to grow in abundance and where I used to love the smooth feel, sometimes it could get stubbly and it looked kind of odd (there is that word again) on a grown woman with all the curves of a woman and yet not the hair of a woman.  Of course I as most people can not abide a hair getting in my teeth when I'm trying to devour a nice hard member and I do appreciate that this is not the experience that you want either, so it is not being grown in all it's glory and I can still wear a bikini without the hairs springing out the sides, which I think is a fairly revolting site lol, but just a little in the middle, to remind myself and who ever is fortunate enough to be parousing it that I am a woman and a sexual being is a choice I have made, that goes against modern porns and therefore societies acceptance.

Landing pad

It is rather fun having a landing pad, whatever shape it might be.  I'm told that it feels rather good too.  No more abrasive bristles to rub the nose, but a soft mound, that also acts as a buffer when in full grinding vigour and adds to the delightful feeling and sexual senses.  I have now tried and tested the missionery position with my magic wand and there were no problems with tangly pubes etc, but instead they help to slip and secure the wand in it's rightful place at my clit, while my pussy is being devoured and enjoyed by its predator and oh how pleasurable the two feelings are together, emersing my body into deep, delicious orgasm.  Absolute hedonistic pleasure.

Is it for you?

I have to say in the few weeks I have had it I've not had one complaint yet or anyone ask me to shave it off, but I have had quite a few compliments and men asking me to grow more, because they love the feminine form in all it's glory and would much rather a woman, look like a woman and not a young pre-pubescent girl.  I can't see myself growing it back fully, but I am loving what I have and it is great to have so many compliments.  I do understand that it is not for everyone though, so I am keen to know what your views are, as you are not about to enjoy my body and can look at it more objectively than someone who is looking to have a good time with my body and I do understand that this could easily be the reason for the postive vibes I have had to date. 

So... should I keep it, cultivate it, or shave it?  What do you think?

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Tie & Tease + updates

Yesterday I had the pleasure of  having some tie and tease fun and I have to say if it was anything to go by I have grown a lot more confident and found the whole experience much more enjoyable than in the past.

First of all I got my four ties and as we talked I gradually tied up first his one hand then his foot and then the other foot and finally his remaining hand.  I have a metal framed bed, so this is easily secured into the position that I require.  After doing this I then got my one flogger, a butt plus, my magic wand and some lube close to hand.  I then went over to my guest and gently kissed him and as he has very senstive nipples I also kissed, licked and teased those before reaching for a blind fold and covering his eyes.

He was not expecting to be blindfold, but there was nothing he could do about it.  However, he embraced the experience and took full advantage the sensory deprivation.  I also attached a strap with a bell on to his leg and told him that each time I heard the bell I would be spanking him, which I duly did, as he forgot about it several times.  I also told him that if he moaned too loud he would get a spank and this also happened several times, especially when I used the magic wand directly onto his balls, which seemed to wake his whole body up and make he uncontrollably moan, as he told me how amazing I was.

The time was spread between soft and hard sensations, sensually caressing his body and punishing with spanks as necessary, I nibbled on his nipples and gave him sweet kisses, which eventually led to the butt plug!  I kindly lubed it up so it was nice and slipply and slowly pushed in allowing him to gyrate until it was fully inserted and then I set the magic wand onto the base.  He was loving it and telling me how wonderful I was when I took hold of his cock and simulateously massaged it and then sucked it off to completion.

He had the most powerful orgasm and was left in a state of utter extacy for several minutes afterwards.  I cleaned him up, gently untied him and snuggled up next to him, placing sweet little kisses on his forehead, as he came back down to earth.

I think I may have finally cracked it!  I really enjoyed it too.  Isn't life a joy when you finally feel like you know what you're doing.


I'm not sure if you would remember, but last year I went on the dukan diet and lost 15 lbs.  well... it would be true to say over Christmas and not being particularly enamoured with the food on offer I found it near impossible to pick it back up afterwards and the slippery slope to eating like a piggy soon returned. 

Thankfully when I got my new apartment and my life seemed to have settled a bit, I decided it was time to take matters in hand again and I stopped eating copious amounts of fatty foods and took control back.  Yes I was still within the size 14/16 dress that I advertise as, but far more often than not it was the size 16 I was picking out and I did not want this to be my new label, as size 14 suits me and my curves far better.

I'm at around the 7 week stage now of this new healthy living, which has been very much helped my Marks & Spencers.  Did you know they had a whole host of meals and salads under 400 calories?  Which is great when I am on tour and unable to cook food and it also limits how much I can eat, which is a good thing in my case lol, being Miss Piggy and all.
To date I have lost another 15 lbs on top of the 2lbs I still had lost from the last lot (yes I know I put nearly all the weight back on, that's me the yoyo dieter!), but now it is totally under control and I'm looking to lose one more stone.  This week has been particularly difficult, as although broadly speaking I am still eating much less, I'm not doing a lot of exercise, so I need to put this right and find time to pop to the swimming pool or do some zumba or something.

Anyway, I thought you would like to know that I'm back down to a size 14 and trying hard to make sure it stays that way.

It's been lovely settling in to the apartment and increasingly moreso as some old faces are starting to return from my days in Worcester.  I have so missed having my regulars, being able to have a bit of a laugh and a chat and it's very much like seeing an old friend when they walk through the door again.  If I did used to see you in Worcester and you think I'm too far away, please do think again.  If you're coming from further up the M5 is likely no more than an extra 20/25 mins on your journey and it's around 40 mins from the heart of Worcester.   You are all still very welcome.  I moved away from Worcester to take away the heat a little, it was too close to home for me and certainly not to move away from you!

Next week I'm going off to Leeds again for a few days.  I'm really looking forward to it, as I will be visiting some friends while I'm there too and hopefully letting my hair down a little.  It could be a lot of fun.  Although, I am going out for dinner and I've ordered all 3 courses, so I had better be a good girl up until then to make sure I have room for it lol.
After that I'm back home for a couple of weeks, before going back up to Birmingham.  I've not worked in Birmingham before, well not the City Centre anyway, so I don't really know how it will be, but I'm looking forward to it, as I'm going to see a client i've not met for over a year and it's his birthday and I'm the present.  Hopefully he will be pleased with what he unwraps, although I will be in control, as he is submissive, so it looks like a bit more tie and tease is in order.  I must make sure I have my blindfold at hand lol.

We seem to have gone full circle now, so an ideal point to sign off.  Don't forget it's Father's day this Sunday.  Get a card in the post if you don't live local, or give him a call and let your Dad know you love him.  Look after yourself and maybe we will see each other soon.

Kate x