Friday, 28 October 2011


I'm not sure what to say, which is a first.  Life is hectic as usual.  I don't think I would be me if I wasn't pushing things to the limit and never quite managing to fit everything in that I want. I do often feel like a lappy dog who is happily chasing his tail, that is until he get's a bit tired and gets bored of it, although unlike the dog, I can't just go and eat dog biscuits or go for a walk as a change of scene.

Mortality!  Why have I given this blog the title of mortality?  Well, I think it is because I am acutely aware that entering the third phase of my life, all of a sudden this is a subject close to my heart.  Until even 5 years ago, I didn't know anyone who had died or had the 'C' word.  I wish I could say the same of today.  Until recently I had 2 relatives through marriage have it (both survived touch wood) 2 brothers, both of which I knew and one of which was a dear friend of mine during my teenage years have lost their lives through it and their sister, an even closer friend is currently battling and losing against it.  Now I'm faced with my 2nd visit in the space of 2 years to the local hospice, but this time it is for a close family member.  It may be the last time that I see them and if I'm honest, I'm not sure I want to go at all, but my Mum needs my support and I will give it like the dutiful daughter I'd like to think that I am.

I find myself greaving for the memories of my childhood.  Despite having one of the crappiest non participating Father's I had the most wonderful childhood and this family member was a big part of this for me.  Saying goodbye to her feels like closing a door I'm not willing to close and I know that is selfish, but it is the way I feel.  Then there is my Mum.  My Mum is older than the person suffering as we speak and that scares the life out of me, because for all her faults I don't know what I would do without her.  How could I not love and need her when I look at her and see myself.  All her funny accentric ways, the way she gets away with murder and makes me laugh with her naughty dry wit.  She can act like a spoilt brat at times, but she never holds a grudge and what happened yesterday, generally stays there and doesn't run through to tomorrow.

In truth I could probably do with a hug and a tender touch, someone to reassure me that it's ok and that I'm not on my own, but it's not going to happen.  I've been on my own so long now I can't imagine it being any other way and quite frankly I'm probably instigating the situation I am in far more than I realise.  I'm good at pushing people away when they get too close.  Anyone out there worried that they might get too close to their Escort and fall in love, don't worry about that with me, as I just won't let you.  You can feel adored, cared for, desired, lusted after but never feel pressured to be part of my life, I mean the real life.  If I thought you did I would likely run a mile.

Now, while this is all going on and I'm dealing with MOT's, road tax, Insurance, travel, hotels, running my online business etc, I'm also getting texts, calls and emails off gents that are showing an interest to meet.  These can be interesting and distracting and often in a good way, but... when they deviate and start getting sexual, then I have to admit I find myself switching off and sometimes I get angry.  Don't these people realise that we are not Escorts 24/7?  That we have things in our lives to deal with other than massaging their ego's and sexual desires?  I don't understand why they can't just book, like everyone else and when we meet, we have a great time, because I have the right hat on and am just as happy to forget my reality as they are theres.  I would really appreciate it if maybe you could think twice before texting or calling and ask yourself if it is important to the booking that is going to actually happen and if it isn't put the phone down, if it is, can it wait?  Is it important or would a post/email be better, that would allow me to pick it up when it is convenient and a time when it is convenient.

So... tomorrow is going to be a difficult day for me and not one that I am relishing.  I'm glad that I am home to do it though, as then I can try and put it behind me when I go to London on Monday.  I'm supposed to have 3 bookings when I get there, but I don't think that is going to happen now.  Only one of them is a regular and one I am confident will turn up as orgnised.  The other two?  One of them has told me he can't make the time now and the other one just went quiet after I told him I was driving and could not text.  I'm wondering if he would have preferred me to crash the car or worse, hurt someone while trying to communicate with him? I hope he does understand that I was trying to abide by the law and not hurt anyone.  Unfortunately some men do seem to equate replying instantly with eagerness and anything less is lacking.  With me that is not the case at all, but it does have to be the right time and place.

Looks like I will be hugging my wishbone pillow again tonight.

Kate x

Sunday, 23 October 2011

The pleasure of adoration!

Over time I have got to know a particular client very well.  We began our friendship, purely as that.  He had written something on a forum that I felt compelled to answer and some how we started to open up to each other.  As things have progressed we have continued to get to know each other better and finally decided that we would meet for an overnight booking.

I don't know about you, but I was not really brought up with a particularly tactile family.  My Mum was not the biggest hugger and my Dad was not there past the age of 3 apart from the odd Sunday he came over for lunch, so other than when I had my son and a few years of mediocre marriage, it's not something I am accustomed to having (hugs) that is.  Anyway, the first thing we did on meeting was hug.  It was lovely, like a tonic.  I can't tell you how much I love hugging and lying in someones arms and the gentle kisses and I was being adored.  I'm smiling now just thinking about it.  I think we both spent most of our time smiling.

Perhaps I am treading on dangerous territory, but we have discussed the 'L' word and neither of us are going down that route, which is probably just as well, as in my experience friendship lasts a lot longer when it is not marred with feelings that so often change over time and cause complications.  Which is why the word 'adoration' is so befitting.  It's a word that tells me I'm cared for and that he enjoys who I am and finds me sexy and interesting and quite frankly that makes me feel good!

I am a lucky lady, almost on a daily basis I take note of how lucky I am, to have a job that I whole heartedly enjoy and get so much pleasure from, to have friends that I can talk to when problems arise (both male and female) and people that accept me for who I am and what I am doing.  I think this has just turned into a bit of a thank you, so what the hell, I'll use this opportunity to say thank you to everyone I know, every one I have met and everyone who has let me into their lives and added to mine. 


Getting carried away with a submissive

Thank goodness it was only a half hour booking.  I had no idea when I met him that he was submissive and of course me being a bit of an orgasm junky took full advantage of his willingness to do what I wanted and I got altogether carried away.  I can't remember the last time I had an orgasm that big.  With the help of my magic wand and a vibrator that he gently but rapidly used tilted towards my g-spot I felt the whole of my body rush and raise, almost pushing him off me, as my body shuddered with pure delight and pleasure.  It was so intense my eyes started to well up afterwards as I came back down.

And people wonder if I enjoy my work?  Hehe

Friday, 14 October 2011

That blasted bed again!

Who would have thought two people can do so much damage?  Recently I have started using the bed in the spare room after discovering the neighbour who lives behind it is partially deaf and had never heard a peep out of me.  This meant I have started to use the leather faux bed, which really has not been used very often, although the slats have pushed through their housing on 2 occassions, which was not the best.

On this occassion I had a lovely tall, attractive, 30s something newbie with me.  We had been taking things fairly slowly.  He had started with having a shower while I put some music on and lit the candles to give us a nice romantic atmosphere.  We then had a bit of a smooch with me slightly craning up to his lovely 6' 5" frame to allow me to kiss him with abandon.  I was wearing...?  I don't remember what I was wearing, but I do remember pushing the top half down and releasing my breasts so he could fondle them and my gosh did he have a magic touch.  Just reliving it now is making my body tingle with anticipation.

After some time of getting to know each other a little better we adjourned to the bed and lay across it kissing and touching.  I gently lay my hand over his balls and caressed as he kissed me and I could feel his body shudder under my touch and his cock harden even more.  I have to admit that I couldn't hold off any longer and asked him to sit up on his knees by my face and directed his hand back to my wet pussy as I looked up into his eyes and took him in my mouth.  The pure delight and excitement of watching his face that looked partly shocked and partly amazed by the touch of my mouth.  My mouth continuing to take in the length of his gorgeous thick, curved cock. 

He then bent down over me and was polite enough to ask if I minded him going down on me.  Silly question, does a fish a swim?  It's so hard not to let go and respond to the mountain tension of a climax, but having seen and felt the shape of his cock I was determined for him not to come during oral.  I let go much to his dismay and explained why.  He then reassured me that he could cum a 2nd time and asked me to continue.  Feeling much happier I carried on and really went for it until he was just about to come and he asked me to finish with my hands.  Within seconds I could feel his hot cum streaming over my tits and neck, just gushing out like it was never going to end.  It felt glorious, but boy was I in a mess! lol.

We had a little break while he came back down to earth and so far the bed is holding up fine.  We starting chatting and find we have a few things in common, such as star signs and certain habits and generally enjoy each others company.  After a little while I started to stroke him while we were chatting, just looking to see if anything else is likely to happen, when low and behold I feel a little twitch.  Soon a little twitch becomes a nice stiff hard rock again and as promised (he was getting tired bless him) I got on top.  Needless to say it felt amazing and what can I say, I was using that lovely hard cock to give me multiple orgasms.  I'm not sure how long the bed had been creaking before I noticed, but soon after commenting that it probably needs some WD40 and mid push down the bed topples to the side with us toppling with it.

I'm not sure if I should have been more concerned, but all I could think of was this lovely hard banana shaped cock and how much I was enjoying it.  We tried shuffling back on to the side of the bed that was still intact, but we kept sloping to the side, so it was difficult to keep in position.  Finally I could take no more and led him by the hand to my other room, where I threw off the clothes lay on top of it and we carried on there instead until finally with some persuasion (by me) he came a 2nd time and with the help of his lovely long fingers and my magic wand I came a further 2 times.

I do hope the neighbours were still out at this point, as I know I was loud.  I couldn't help it.  My poor unsuspecting newbie had no way of knowing I had not seen anyone before him and was gagging for it and he probably thinks I'm a complete nymphomaniac lol and he probably would be right.

The bed sadly did suffer badly and one of the feet totally snapped from from the bed, while the central frame is completely bent out of shape.  Thankfully replacement parts are on their way to men  and I should be able to put things right.  Oh and yes I will get a divan next time I buy a bed lol.  Anything would be better than this!!!!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Where to start?

I really don't know where to start with this blog. So many things have been happening in my working and private life and of course it is all intermingled.

It always makes me marvel when clients describe me as an intelligent woman.  I think at times I probably am.  I mean when my brain is functioning at full capacity and I'm not tired.  Unfortunately my brain is a little faulty.  I can only describe it as 'loose wiring' on an extension lead.  Imagine there are 5 sockets and when 2 or even 3 of the sockets are being used I am working at 75% capacity and most of the time I'm functioning just fine, but more recently all the sockets were being used 24/7 and the loose connection was being pulled out slightly, so my brain was switching on and off.  Consequently I was forgetting appointments, mixing things up and a couple of weeks ago I attempted to have a conversation with a client and all I could get out of my mouth were sentences that were incomplete and made no sense, as the key information was replaced with 'thingy' or the like.  I could not remember enough to construct a sentence on any subject.

To accompany this overload I had a headache.  Not a normal across the temple headache, but what I refer to as a 'pressure' headache.  It was in a certain area of my brain and it really did feel like there was pressure pushing down on me.  I new at this point that I was in  danger of pushing myself too far and who knows what the consequences might be?  Some of you will know that I suffered with a brain virus many years ago and as such I do have a bad short term memory and find certain conundrums etc difficult to decipher.  Most of the time it is too trivial to worry about, but as I'm sure you can appreciate this really worried me.

After some time to reflect and talking it through with a few choice friends I came to the conclusion that I needed to take a step back and find a way of fulfilling my obligations without hitting a crisis.  With this in mind I have reduced my Escorting time up until December.  From now on I will be available during office hours on Monday to Wednesday (9.30am to 4.30pm) I will not be working on Tuesday or Wednesday Evenings or Thursday and Friday day times.  The evenings that I do work and the weekends will be by appointment only and a minimum of 2 hours if incall, although I am happier to do shorter outcalls in the Worcester area.

Please accept my apologies if this makes things difficult for you, but it is only a temporary situation and once I have got my other work back on an even keel I will be able to increase my hours again without risking my health, which I'm sure you would appreciate.

There are a few people I have met that I would normally have commented on, as we had such a great time together and I remember having a conversation about the blog, but that is as far as my memory will go.  I am really sorry if you had hoped I would mention you in my blog, but like I said previously, my memory has been severley affected by what was happening to me and I just don't remember what I was going to write about.  There is always the option of a re-visit and reminding me first hand why I wanted to write about you mind lol.

I'm struggling not to tell you more about my private life.  There has been so much going on recently and some of it is so exciting (especially now the pressure is off a bit) and I would love to share it with you, but I do need to keep an element of discretion.  Of course again, if  you come and visit me I'm happy to chat about what I'm doing etc.

Not so good - My bed has been broken 4 more times since I last mentioned it.  Please, please think about your weight when you come and visit me.  You should know if you sometimes have a problem with the less substantial beds or not and I am relying on you to be honest with yourself when you book me.  I don't think I'm going to be able to keep mending it the way it is, so unless you have a piece of board you can bring with you to put under the kingsize mattress, don't book me if you are a large person.

I'm afraid I've also put a cap on the age that I will accept for bookings.  I am now only seeing men under the age of 65.  It's quite a wide spectrum when you think about it, but I don't really want to see anyone the same age as my son or older than my Mum & Dad and it's something I have considered over time.  If I want to continue enjoying this job, then I really need to work within my comfort zone and I am reasonably confident that I will be within these boundaries, although the capped age may be up for review after a month or two.

The goodnews! I'm going to be staying at the apartment for another 6 months.  I have had relatively few problems, other than a few confused men that haven't listened to instructions properly and have either been approached by a neighbour or actually knocked on the wrong door.  I did have one client last week who not only knocked on the wrong door, he proceeded to be one of the loudest guests I've ever had and didn't seem to realise that I was living in a block of apartments in a quiet, respectable area.  I'm afraid I will not be letting him book again.  It really is important that when I ask you to park up, so I can give you the rest of the instructions, that you stay parked up until I have finished.  Quite a few men have decided because they have hands free they can drive and listen at the same time, but I'm so close to the stopping point they often drive straight past, or are still listening to while in the car park and that is when my neighbours get involved and tap on the window to see if they can help you.  Please don't do this. I want you to drive up with confidence, scan the area for the landmarks given and come straight in.  That is your mission lol.

It's nice to be spending some time back at home for a while, especially with this sunshine.  I've been doing some gardening today and providing we don't have any rain for a day or two I should be able to clear all the branches up from the pruning I have been doing today.  yesterday I mowed the lawn, which had started to look a bit like a field.  It's quite a relief to have it done, knowing that I will have less to tackle in the late spring when everything starts to bloom again and I'll be able to put the washing out on the dry days without getting my feet soaked lol.

MP3 player. I finally bought myself an MP3 player!  I am a complete technique phobic.  I've had my wii at the apartment for 2 months now and it's still not working, as I can't figure out how to do it lol, so the idea of gettinng an MP3 player has been one that has been avoding me for many years, as i really didn't think I would be able to use it.  With some help from some very clever friends (thank you David7even and TophatMark) I have finally mastered what to do and how to not just add music, but make up playlists too.  The most annoying part being that I can't find half of the cds I had to add to it.  I have the cases, but the cds are no where to be found.  I have a feeling that they are in a case somewhere as I used to listen to them on my way to work a few years back and the same batch all seems to have gone.  Fingers crossed they are all together somewhere or I'll have to start trying to replace them.  I am quite proud fo myself it has to be said.

That's all I can think of at the moment.  Please accept my apologies if you called me and didn't get a response in the last few weeks, things are pretty much back to normal now and if you can manage to see me during one of the times I'm free, then that would be great. 

Things to come.  I'm going to be seeing what it is like in Coventry this month.  I'll be staying in a hotel in the South of Coventry from the 23rd October and leaving lunch time on the 27th.  To make it that little bit more special, I will be joined by a good friend of mine from Scotland and her name on AW is Loloscot.  She is a tall, blonde BBW and is a very naughty lady.  We have hosted a party once before together along with SassyAnn and will be hosting our first Duel party on the Wednesday afternoon.  We are also going to be available for duo bookings on the Tuesday and Wednesday.  Otherwise of course I will be working on my own and yep, sorry I an still straight, so FFM does mean you have to work twice as hard to satisfy us both lol.

After that I'll be back home until November and I'll be spending a few days working in the Earl's Court area of London.  Then my last tour of the year will be in Halifax again in December.  Please see my website for details:

Take care,

Kate x