After a little debate with myself I told him I had some gloves and would he like me to get one so I could give him a little more attention, but I did also tell him that I was relatively inexperienced, so he would have to guide me. I got a glove, put it on and added a little lube to the end and very gently started to massage the outer ring of his anal area. I could see he was enjoying the experience very much. He then encouraged me to go a little deeper and a little deeper until my full finger was inserted and gently rubbing away.
Not being experienced I thought about the positioning of my g-spot and what works for me and aimed for around that area. This is centrally located around the middle of where my now brazillion is located and happily it seemed to hit the spot perfectly. I could feel him wriggling under my touch and so I decided to up the anti and took him in my mouth, while maintaining a constant rubbing action with my finger. The results were amazing when finally he told me he was going to come and being new to me I quickly swapped my mouth for my hand and brought him to completion. Obviously I know that he came due to the sticky mess he made, but at the same time he came outwardly I felt a pressure and release around his prostrate and for the first time in my life felt a man cum via his prostrate. It was such an exhiliating experience and I was so pleased with myself and his reaction, it was totally amazing.
Being curious to exactly what had happened I looked it up on the internet and this is the information that I found...
The G-Spot or Sacred Spot of a man is his prostate gland. Tantric philosophy considers the G-Spot a man's emotional sex center. Massaging the man's prostate releases tremendous amounts of emotional and physical stress. Coupled with stimulation of his penis or "lingam", massaging his prostate can be extremely pleasurable and healing to the man. Since the most direct way to massage the man's Sacred Spot is through his anus, it takes time to adjust to being penetrated in this way. It is not for every man. The benefits are many and the pleasure can be very intense. For tantric partners, lovers or those otherwise genuinely comfortable with one another, massaging the sacred spot can be a powerful experience. Not only in terms of ecstatic pleasure for the "receiver", but in the sexual empowerment it bestows on the "giver".
The walnut sized prostate gland is located directly
underneath the bladder, not far from the internal root of the penis (see
diagram). As can be seen, the gland is in close proximity to the rectal wall,
allowing for easy access through the anus.
Why is prostate
massage pleasurable?
There are number of
Would I do it again? Yes and very happy to. I've never seen such a completely overwhelming and totally absorbing reaction before, which seemed close to the times that I have a deep orgasm. The type of orgasm that touches every fibre of your body and brings the emotions to the surface. If I can achieve that for you, then I am more than happy to do it. So it seems that yet another one of my bounderies has been lifted and I'm so pleased that I took the step to do this for the client, as he was a lovely chap and I really enjoyed his company. A real cup half full type.Ejaculation reflex sensationNo matter which method is used it is not possible to touch the prostate directly. The nearest indirect access is through the rectal wall, which means that there is still a membrane in the way. This is somewhat akin to the inhibiting sensitivity a glove. Despite this restriction the lobes of the prostrate are highly sensitive to pressure. An array of sensations may be produced by pressing, rubbing or by means of stroking the gland through the rectal wall. The most profound of these feelings is similar to that sublime sensation which is normally felt during ejaculation, as the prostate begins pumping semen.
I warn you that I am very new to this though, so please do give guidance and have patience if you like it done in a particular way. I also need to make sure I have some gloves with me, so let me know on booking if this is a service you would be interested in.
Another string to my bow!
Kate x
You may also use the Prostate Massage which is specially designed in such a way to promote relaxation while carrying out the process without any pain. So enjoy with Prostate Massage.