Saturday 12 February 2011

Spring is in the air!

I must admit I will be quite glad to shake the winter off and am looking forward to greeting the Spring.  I love the Spring season, as for me it represents new beginnings, healing and replenishing.  It is also a most beautiful time of year with the crocus, daffodils, dew drops sprouting out of the ground and lambs appearing in the fields and of course the fact that the days start to get a little longer again.  I have already noticed that it is starting to draw dark after 5pm again, which is welcome.

I'm not sure what the general consensus is for Valentines day.  I've been single for so long now, it isn't really something that has an impact on my life and even when I was dating, I always seemed to be with the more cynical type who did not enjoy celebrating the occasion.  I suppose it reminds me of when I was a teenager more than anything.  That was the time that it did have some impact, as you would feel embarrased if you got a card and embarrased if you didn't.  I do recall my Mum buying a card for my brother each year, which was a bit dodgy really and not a tradition I have handed down to my son.

The recession seems to be getting the better of most people these days, although I'm informed it is more of a regional problem than a British one, with some areas remaining totally unchanged.  I suppose areas that encourage a lot of change, ie people passing through will have less of an impact, as there is always going to be fresh blood and new money coming through, whereas a small place like Worcester where I live, does not have the same trickle of change.  What we do have is people holding on to what they have and trying to make ends meet.  I'm increasingly being asked to do half hour bookings, which I really would not mind doing, but for the fact that I work in a residential area and have family close by.  I just can't afford to take the risk of seeing more people for less time and being caught out.  Solutions on a postcard please!

Having said that in January I had my record for 1 and a half hour bookings plus and did very well with it, so maybe it is a February thing?

No tours this month!  Although I am considering popping down to Oxford or Cheltenham during half term or I'll be gagging for sex lol.  I can't go a full week without it and even though I got my new magic wand today, I just can't see it satisfying me the way I need and want to be satisfied.  The only problem is that the hotel prices tend to go up during school hols as well, which can be problematic, especially when you don't have any pre-bookings.  I suppose I should make my mind up soon so that I can try and get some in advance?

Magic wand!  I bought this off an acquaintance that I met a few years ago now.  Admittedly I have not seen them for over a year, but I had hoped to get a good deal from them.  When I rang and asked I was pleased to hear that they had just one left and yes I could have it.  I was also told that it had lots of attachments and I was really pleased thinking that I had a fairly good deal having agreed to pay £57 (including postage).  However, when I picked it up from the post office this morning and opened it up, I found that there was not even one attachment!  Gutted!  I can't hide my disappointment, as I was really looking forward to playing with all my different gadgets.  The good news is that I did give it a try out and yes it did make me cum very quickly, especially when I introduced one of my vibrators with it.  It is a little noisy, but I'm more than happy to have it available for bookings lol.

Good news!!! The bath is back in action.  Over the winter months it has been rather lacking in hot water and I wasn't quite sure why it was not going past luke warm, as the shower was still fine and the heating was working fine.  Apparently the pressure was just a little too low and all it needed was a little turn of a tap to bring it back up and hey presto!  We have hot water again.  I had my first sexy bath time last week and it was lovely to get back in the warm water and play.

That's it really, apart from the fact that the training I received in London is coming in handy and I am practising as much as I can, so I don't forget the skills that I learnt.  I am hoping to make a business out of it, but I think we are talking a year or two ahead, when I am more able and can guarantee a great quality.  In the mean time I plod on when I can and manage to work it from home, so can do it between bookings.  I'd love to talk to you about it here, but just a little too obvious to who I am if I do and I have to protect those that are close to me.  Those that have met me know what I'm doing though and may be forced to see what I've been making if you come over for an incall lol.

I nearly forgot to mention that I am in the process of losing weight again at the moment.  I started a couple of weeks ago and only lost 1lb in the first week :( but this week seems to be doing much better.  I've definately lost 2lb and as weigh in is not until Monday I am hoping to have managed another pound before then.  I'm not looking at losing loads of weight, but just shake of the 16 if I can and become a healthy, curvy 14.  Wish me luck.

Kate x

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