Friday 29 April 2011

Wet Lettuce

I am such a wet lettuce!

I wasn't even going to watch the wedding today, but just seeing William driving up in his gorgeous red uniform and I found myself crying.  It is such a shame that Lady Diana didn't get to see her gorgeous son declare his love for Kate.  He's all grown up and I still remember him as a little boy.

This also brings me to the fact that my own son will be 18 this year and one day (hopefully) I will get to see my son do the same thing (only on a slightly smaller scale).  I imagine I will still cry though lol.  Mind you, he is saying that he intends to leave the Country when he gets older, so who knows where it will be.  A good excuse for a holiday maybe?  I've told him not to go too far or how will I spoil my grand children?  He said, 'What grand children?'.  Oh my! I hope he was joking.

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