Sunday 24 July 2011

New Apartment - July 2011

It's a beautifully sunny day outside and I'm feeling rather happy.  It's 10.33am on a Sunday morning and I've already put a load of washing on the line, put another load in and put away 2 loads from yesterday.  There is something about sunshine that penetrates the heart and makes you feel sunny on the inside too.

Having had the apartment now for 3 months, I suppose I'm going to have to stop thinking of it as the 'new place'  I have to say that I am still in love with it though.  I love the space, I love that I know where everything is.  I love that I can buy myself little treats to look forward to while I'm there and not have to hide them so a certain teenager doesn't have them first, I love the presentation I can put into it, in order to give you the best experience possible and I love the calm and beautiful surroundings it offers.

However it seems that when I was buying furnishings to fill it with I may have overlooked a potential problem that has become a real problem.  I have 2 beautiful kingsize beds.  Both are firm and comfortable and generally work very well for the job in hand.  They don't squeak (I'm the one doing that) and they don't move or have any other annoying habits, but... they just are not very weight bearing.  The slats are held in place by little plastic pockets and on 3 occassions now, when a gentleman has either sat down, or rolled to the side of the bed they have been pushed out of the pockets, creating an all mighty bang and the mattress to fall through.

Admittedly on all occassions it was not difficult for the gentleman to rectify the problem and we maintained to stay more centrally based on the bed, using the metal spine to take our weight, but this is very embarrasing and very noisy, which is really the crux of the problem.  I don't want anything that is going to alert the neighbours to what is happening or to be concerned.  Thankfully the times that it has happened, I don't think anyone else was around, but you never know and it only takes one person to say something for conspiracy to start.

Solutions... I have asked for suggestions to put this right from other ladies and they did try their best bless them.  One lady suggested stacking books under the bed and yes I can see how that would work, but I'm on the top floor and that is going to be a lot of lugging and after creating the perfect setting for my seduction, I'm just not happy with the idea of anything that looks 'make do'.  Another suggestion was to put the mattress on the floor.  Yes that would probably work, accept again I'm ruining my lovely room, I'm then basically telling someone they are fat, so they can't get on the bed (good ice breaker) and potentially going to do my back in by lifting the mattress, as I'm an occasional sufferer of sciatica.  The last and best idea was to get a piece of wood cut to fit over the frame of the bed to take some of the strain.  This would possibly work, but then I worry about it moving about during play and generally being a pain in the arse.

In all honesty none of the solutions really work for me, so unless anyone can think of a better more suitable one then I have decided to impose a weight restriction to visitors for incalls.  I'm not quite sure what weight this should be, but am guessing at around 17 stone.  I understand that taller men are likely to weigh more and therefore the weight be better distributed, so I don't want to set this in stone (boom boom), but to please think before you book.  If you have been on modern beds before and had this problem, please do not book me for an incall.  If you have never had this problem then it is not likely to be a concern.

Am I saying that I won't see people over 17 stone?  Absolutely not!  I have no problem with weight at all.  If you would like me to come visit you, that is fine.  If you can't provide an outcall location then we can meet in a hotel or see me during my tour, as I won't have to worry about my beds then.  Just please be honest and let me know when you are booking that we will have to make alternative arrangements.

Gosh I feel awful having to write that, but I do really love the apartment and I don't want to lose it, so anything that draws attention to me and what I am doing is not good, let alone the life of the beds I have bought, which are really nice.  Let's face it, I can't work without them and I don't want to have to replace them as yet.  Of course if the time comes when I do have to replace one, I will put much more consideration into the base of the bed and make sure it is weight bearing.

Let's find something more cheerful to talk about.  I'm off on Tuesday for my first tour to Heathrow.  I changed my registration details on Adultwork over to Heathrow yesterday, as I am not working now prior to the tour and the phone started ringing almost immediately with some great offers, but unfortunately I had to decline them all, as I'm not there yet.  I quickly changed the heading to show my dates, which seems to have done the trick, but I am really excited about going there now, especially with abstaining from sex until the tour.

In the mean time I have been tidying and cleaning pending an inspection (an official one this time) and hope everything looks nice and fresh.  At home I have been doing the same, as I don't like leaving the house in a mess, especially as I have a messy teenager at home to create more mess.  I have blackberries growing in my garden (yes it is a little out of hand) but I have picked some lovely ripe ones and bought some apples with the intention of making a blackberry and apple pie and I have picked some damsons, which I will make some damson jam with today.  I've also bought a lovely joint of pork and am determined to get some nice crackling out of it.  It's not something I have had the greatest of success with before, but I have had some top tips from the adultworkforum on how to get it just right, so I will be putting it to the test.

That's it for now.  I don't want to waste my day on the computer, as it is so nice outside and who knows how long it will last for.  For those of you going on holiday with the family over the next 6 weeks have a lovely time, enjoy your children while you can.  They grow up far too quickly and enjoy the time away from work.  I will look forward to seeing you when you are able to see me and don't forget to use sun cream.

Kate x

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