Saturday 22 January 2011

My Perfect Man

I'm thinking this blog is probably going to be the most controversial one I have written yet and I do apologise if it is mildly upsetting to anyone I have met and got close to, but my mind is a little of a whirl right now and I think it is important that you know that not all Escorts are made of stone, but we also have real emotions that we need to take care of and channel properly in order to continue working and keeping our sanity.

Last week I met a client that booked me for 2 hours.  He came over with a bottle of wine and no previous experience of escorts.  We sat in my lounge and chatted while drinking the wine and seemed to instantly hit it off, or at least my cat did with him, as she was over to him like a shot.  He (thankfully) was not at all bothered and quite happy to give her the petting she was seeking.

When we finished the wine we went up to my room where I discovered a man who was tall and I guess compared to most men rather large, but in a wide and 'hulkish' kind of way (without being green).  His form seemed to fit perfectly with mine, with his arms enveloping my body, he made me feel feminine and sexy.  I wouldn't say he was my 'typical' type, as I do love lots of dark hair to run my fingers through and this gentleman has a shaved action man hair cut, although I do kind of like stroking the stubbly hair on his head too, as it does remind me of my brothers action men lol. He is also of a similar age to myself being in his early 40's.  I can hear the cries of shock with this revelation, as I have in the past made it well known that I prefer younger men in their late 20s/30s.  Common to form though, he does have a good job and an intelligent, sharp mind, which I adore.

I don't like to give too much away about him and I hope you don't mind me saying this (if you read it 'N') but before having met me he had not had sex for a year!  Which was almost unbelievable from my point of view as he seemed to be having my body in raptures from the moment he kissed me.  I physically could not have seen anyone else after him if I had tried, as he had drained my body dry with his body.  His cock is perfect for me.  It is slightly curved and hits my g-spot making sex very intense and orgasmic.  It's almost like 2 pieces of a jigsaw that were mixed up in the wrong box have been re-united and fit perfectly.

Obviously we both very much enjoyed the booking and had smiles on our faces when it was time to get back to reality.  I do admit that I did text my friend Theresa and tell her about him.  He had made a big impression on me, but as this work goes, I had no idea if I would meet him again.

A few days later I get a text asking me if I am busy the following evening.  I'm not able to take incalls during the evening, so told him that I couldn't see him unless he was looking for an outcall.  He then asked me if I would like to join him at a hotel and have dinner with him.  In all honesty I probably should have said no, as I'm going away to London this Sunday and have lots of prep to do, let alone completing my online self assessment etc, but where my brain was saying no, well something inside me (which was much stronger) said YES!

I couldn't sleep that night.  I woke up at 4 am in the morning worrying about where to eat and not wanting to disappoint him by going somewhere medioca.  I know that the client probably normally sorts these things out, but he was coming to my home town and as such I assumed he didn't know the area too well.  I also didn't want to be walking for ages trying to find somewhere.  After doing a bit of research on the internet I eventually found a cute little pub that had been recently refurbished and had fantastic reviews on their food and general atmosphere.  It wasn't cheap, but wasn't as expensive as our better restaurants either (such as Brown's or The Glass House).  Having found the right place I made notes and took down the number and was able to get back to sleep.

In the morning I sent him a text with the details of the restaurant and offered to book it if he was happy with it.  I got the go ahead for a booking at 8pm.  I was relieved that he had gone with it and hoped he did not think of me as too pushy.  I have been referred to as bossy a few times in the past lol.  I spent the rest of the day getting my VAT returns done.  It took me 4 hours!  I hate paperwork lol, but it had to be done, so I just had to get on with it.  After that I cooked dinner for my offspring and ventured upstairs to get a shower and pack an overnight bag.

I had hoped to get to the hotel a little earlier than the 7pm arranged if possible, but with the chores of the day, a little problem with locating offspring that didn't come home after college, I managed to arrive just ten minutes early, still better to be early than late!  The room was cosy and we had a 4 poster bed.  It looked beautiful, I particularly loved the dark mahogony wood frame, although the mattress was a little soft for me and the bed squeaked a little, but it was still lovely and was certainly well used.

We chatted for a while, hugged, kissed and generally welcomed each other.  I think we were both happy to be together again and it seemed very natural.  I think this is for me the grey area.  Yes I was there as as a booking, but I'm not sure my heart was aware of that and my brain was certainly taking no notice of the fact.  I could hear myself asking him about his future plans and would he ever like to have children and all the things that I'd like from a relationship.  Probably all the things that most men would not really want to discuss during a night out with an Escort, but being the sweety he is, he appeased me and let me get on with it.

The meal was exquisite, every mouthfull had me in raptures and I'm afraid I may have made a few noises to affirm that I was enjoying myself.  I hadn't realised how vocal I was with 'every thing' until recently.  'N' did mention that he was getting used to my little 'noises' they're not quite moans or screams as much as, well I'm not really sure how to describe them lol, just quirky little knee jerk reactions to my general happiness and pleasure.  Even my son yesterday while we were out shopping commented on the fact that I don't seem capable of having a non verbal reaction to things.  I can't remember why I did it now, but he said something and I automatically took a sharp in take of breath, slightly over emphasising it for effect.  I think perhaps, it was my way of expressing humour, but I'm not sure if he appreciated it being out in a public place with his Mother lol.  I admit that I am a vocal person and I doubt it is likely to change much now.

After the meal and a bottle of red wine, we adjourned back to the hotel.  I'm not going to go on about having a zillion orgasms or hanging from the chandeliars, as it was not like that.  I think my point here really is more to do with the fact that I had the most fabulous time with an amazing man that in all honesty if I had met any other way, at any other time of my life (bearing in mind I've been single for 11 years prior to escorting) well, perhaps I would have never been an Escort, perhaps I'd have met the man that could have been my equal, my match, my equilibrium. 

As a self confessed relationship phobic, I admit that perhaps my emotions are slightly excellerated by the fact that the situation does not really lend it'self to anything more than what it is.  Maybe as always I have found that I am able to want something from the safety of my own brick wall of negative reasons to why I can't have it.

So... for those of you out there that think that all Escorts are hard faced, mercinary and don't care about the clients they meet, there maybe some out there like that, as there are in all walks of life, but most of us do have feelings, we do learn to care for the clients we see regularly and occasionally we also get bitten by the love bug.  The only difference is that we know we are not paid to do that and won't allow ourselves to cross that boundary.  In some ways for an old cynic like me, it's something to hold on to for the future.  I have in the past convinced myself that there is no one out there that would be right for me, as I'm far too set in my ways and not an easy person to co-exist with, but maybe I am learning to re-evaluate that thought and once I have got my financial feet back in place I can reflect on these moments where I felt totally at one with someone and remind myself that there are people out there compatible with me.


  1. You may not be getting paid to have emotions, but the booking is over now and your work is done. Why don't you give him a call and ask him if he fancies going out for a drink (for free)?

    He'll either become a regular and then you won't be brave enough to go beyond a work relationship, or he won't and you'll never see you again. Either way, you have nothing to lose.

  2. It's a bit of a catch 22 Tom. Having been single for over a decade (mostly out of choice) I don't believe I'm in a position to fall in love right now. I'm Escorting to keep the roof over my offsprings head while they complete their education and that will take at least 2 more years.

    Until my duty is done I can not put the cares of my feeble heart ahead of them and indeed won't. I would not ask anyone to invest their love or time in me until I was able to give them 100% back and certainly wouldn't encourage it, however much I may want it. It wouldn't be fair on either of us.

    Lovely thought though. At least now I am able to dream about it again, instead of deny that it is even possible for me to love someone. Although I'm not sure it's a good thing.

  3. Gosh, that's so sad. I hope becomes a regular :o(

  4. It doesn't really matter if he does, what he has unwittingly done is to have given me hope, which is something I did not have before. I may have dared to question my belief that I would always remain single, but I did not believe that it would be any other way as I'm not easily swayed or left feeling like I am smiling inside simply from hearing a laugh. It was a wonderful feeling, it doesn't matter that it only lasted a moment.

    I am a happy person. I am surrounded by love of other kinds and I have passion of other kinds in my life too and determination to get myself out of my financial fix, however long it takes me. I can't help being an independent woman, it was the way I was designed to be and no point trying to change it.

    Thank you for caring though. It is appreciated, especially as you have nothing to gain from showing me that you care x
